Thursday, September 23, 2010

Balance and mandala

The balance in this show flyer is accomplished with vertical lines similar in legth and width.  The bottom lines are pointing in a different direction, but the balance is achieved.  It's an interesting upsidedown sort of image, but it maintains a good balance.

This is artwork from the band Bells Bells Bells. It's a mandala of faces. You can check out the band at

Proportion and Surrealism

This is a flyer advertising a show from last year. The baby is enlarged next to the bridge. We know a baby isn't that huge, but scaled larger and placed infront of a crowd and a bridge, we can see the illusion of a giant baby thanks to proportion.

This is a Suicide Project album cover called "Between a Bridge and a Bullet Train." It's a bit surreal, not many people wear suits and sit in arm chairs in open fields. Also, the clouds seem to be morphing in the background.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pats!e and Pistol Monk

This is a picture of Pistol Monk performing at the Lunt Basement in Haverford College.  The microphone is the focal point of the picture.  Everything else seems to fade into the background, out of focus.  The mic is well lit and defined by the cameras flash and I am right behind it, accented, but not the main focus of the picture.  This photograph was taken my Dustin Erek Mull.

Pats!e is an AMAZING local band, based out of the Trenton area.  Don't just take my word for it, check them out at  This is a picture by Justin Jed and Belinda S. Wentworth that Pats!e used for an album cover.  The artists here made use of a radial design.  Everythig points towards the protagonist of the picture.  The lines in the background and the gazes/gestures of the devils lead the eye right to the guy who's just trying to eat his cereal.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ominous Black

This is a work of art created by an artist named Alyssa called "Repressed Memories of the Collective Subconscious". The local band Ominous Black has used it on posters to advertise their band and promote their album.  The use of negative space in this picture is excellent.  It's a simple black and white, the unused black portions of the picture accentuate the white figure and the smoke surrounding her. This is a very well composed drawing.

I love this picture.  The band uses this as their default on their Myspace.  It is a photograph of their custom made cabinet. It's a chore to lug to shows, but it is powerful and it contributes a lot to their powerful sound. The visual unity between the cab and the two head units makes for a great picture. They are all rectangular in shape and the colors are not conflicting.

Check out Ominous Black at